Wednesday, November 11, 2015

It's almost time for Warmachine Weekend!

Well I missed the mark of being fully painted for the big show. I got about 80% of the way there, and you know what? I'm actually proud of that. I have over a hundred models packed and ready to go. For those of you who are Warhammer players you might Pfft at 100 models, I know, I know you did that many Space Marines for breakfast. Warmachine models are different. They are in 30mm heroic scale and each individual model is more detailed. It's much easier to paint a 10 man squad of SM than 10 Iron Fang Pikeman.

So yea I have all my stuff by the door. All the models. The camera, lightbox, tripod. Trays to carry models. My entry into the Painting contest... enough to fill up the trunk.

I plan to take a crazy amount of pictures and will post them up over a week or so when I get back on Monday.

I hope your weekends will be as amazing as I hope mine turns out to be.

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