Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Shoulder Pads for days yo!

It's an older model but the whole "Come at me Bro!" just screams awesome (to me anyway).

So I finished up the Vlad model. It was a fun side job that took about 2 hours total (with lots of drying times in between).

I am still playing with the red inks over black and greys, I really like how it works. I used the same thing for the blue on the cloak.

The golds are a base of Vallejo Alcohol based metallic - Red gold highlighted up to Vallejo Model Color - Gold.

The base is from Secret Weapons Miniatures. and was done with powders.

After I sealed the model took the pics and uploaded them I noticed the front of the boots. I'm chalking it up to him kicking over some of the rubble on the base and leaving it as it is.....

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