Another few days have gone by and I still haven't finished up the Galleon. I know, I know, I'm a bad man, and should feel bad.... But hey life gets in the way sometimes.
Today I want to talk about why I started airbrushing, and things that come up on the big boards all the time.
I started because I wanted to bring my painting to the next level. I wanted to be able to paint more stuff, better and faster.
The airbrush allows me to lay down base coats in a fraction of the time, gives me smooth even coats and transitions and highlights are just unreal.
The more I learn to use the gun the more I fall in love with it.
So for anyone thinking about jumping in. Here is what you need (if I forget anything feel free to chime in).
1. An airbrush (duh) they range from $20 - $400+. Do some research and find one or two that fit your needs. Right now I am using a Master G22 that I got for $39.00 and it works well. I am saving up for a Badger Krome so we will see how much more I love that when I finally have one.
2. Air Compressor. Again these range from $50-$400+. I have a Harbor Freight desktop version and it works well, its quiet and steady and cost $80.
3. Paint. This is a whole blog post or ten all by its self.
4. Airbrush Cleaner. Some type of solvent lots of companies make them and there are tons of tutorials out there on how to make your own. I use Vallejo Airbrush Cleaner and dilute it 1:1 with water.
5. Airbrush Thinner. Again lots of companies make it, you can make your own.
6. Pipe Cleaners and Q-Tips. For cleaning your shiny new airbrush.
7. Spray Booth. Just bite the bullet and get one, they come in at $70 from TCP Global and its worth every penny.
Here are things that I use that are not needs but definitely help.
1. Small plastic cups for mixing. I use medicine cups and get them on amazon they are $4 for 100.
2. Gloves. The plastic ones, for holding your models when you spray.
3. Respirator. For protection when shooting anything more than acrylics.
4. Gater clips and Cork, this gives you something to hold on to so you are not touching the model its self while spraying.
Well I hope that helps.
Till next time.